Have you noticed that the anti-abortion people (read ‘Catholics’) are extremely active these days? Since one week or so, they’ve been campaigning ferociously against the legalisation of abortion, a possibility which has cropped up after the MFPA’s debate around abortion and Minister Faugoo’s somewhat favourably-skewed abortion declarations.
The ‘Comité interculturel pour le respect de la vie’ has even bought (unless Radio One donated?) prime-time advertising space on the radio to air a pro-life message and to invite people to a talk on the issue. There’s a doctor who also regularly writes to the press (specially L’Express, methinks) to stress on the risks associated with abortions.
On the whole, their discourse is basically geared towards instilling a feeling of guilt in people, specially women. And today, Mgr Piat in L’Express declares that the State should not be neutral on that issue, claiming that the government should protect little children indiscriminately, be they unborn.
Ainsi, lorsque Mgr Maurice Piat déclare que “l’Etat ne devrait pas, dit-on, imposer un point de vue sur l’avortement et qu’il devrait plutôt rester neutre et respecter le pluralisme comme il se doit dans une société laïque”, l’évêque répercute ce qui se dit en général dans la société : ce n’est pas là son opinion. Au contraire, Mgr Piat affirme avec force que l’Etat ne peut rester neutre et ne peut se prémunir du respect du pluralisme quand il s’agit de défendre le droit des plus faibles.
Ironically, it seems what he’s actually saying is that the State should not be neutral ‘tout court’, it should take up the Church’s point of view. Yet the responsibility of catering to the distressed mother’s needs should lie with the State, according to him!
De plus, l’Etat a aussi le devoir de donner à la femme en détresse les moyens, le soutien dont elle a besoin pour respecter la vie qu’elle porte en elle
Now, don’t get me wrong. Of course, noone wants to go through the ordeal of an abortion, I would hate to have to do that myself… But I’m tired of the hypocrisy of those who want to dictate others, specially the poor simple-minded. It’s the same people who actually frown upon the poor who fornicate and put lots of children on earth when they can barely earn enough to feed them…