Selected works
- With co-author Bhurshita Seechurn: Film Industry in Mauritius: The Representation of Gender in Mauritian Cinematography (UOM Research Week 2020 Book of Abstracts, pp192-193)
- With co-author Géraldine Saintas: The Representation of LGBTQ+ in Mauritian Media-Gender-Equality-Media-Transgender-Saintas-Chan-Meetoo (UOM Research Week 2020 Book of Abstracts, pp194-195)
- Decoloniality and Language Policy for Journalism Education in Mauritius: A Post-Covid Analysis, African Journalism Studies, 2025
- With co-author Prof Sarah Chiumbu: Smart ID Cards in Mauritius: Balancing rights and freedoms with national identification needs (Policy Brief as part of the research project “Watching the Watchers: Strengthening Public Oversight of Intelligence Driven Surveillance” led by Prof Jane Duncan, recipient – British Academy Professorship, University of Glasgow, 2024
- Co-author of ‘100 years of radio in Africa: from propaganda to people’s power’ in The Conversation Africa, 2024
- Assessing the Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA) Amendment Bill 2021, 2021 (on Le Mauricien)
- Analytical Paper on the ICTA Consultation Paper on proposed amendments to the ICT Act for regulating the use and addressing the abuse and misuse of Social Media in Mauritius, 2021 (published version available on Le Mauricien)
- Improving Democracy in Mauritius The need to remove information boundaries and enhance the media in Journal of Social Policies and Development – Special Issue – OSSREA Mauritius Chapter, 2013
- Young Adults and Social Networking Sites in Mauritius with Deepa Rathcharen in University of Mauritius Research Journal 17, 2011.
- ICT, society and poverty: the vision of Mauritius as a cyber island from a development perspective in “Poverty in Mauritius: An Agenda for Reflection and Action–Articulating the Local with the Regional”, 2007.
- Nouveaux médias. Discours politico-médiatiques et pratiques domestiques à l’île Maurice in “Media and Democracy in an age of transition”, 2005.
Chapters in Books
- Prezans KM dan media avan ek apre 2011 in “Lortograf Kreol Repiblik Moris : Enn bilan lor lekritir Kreol Morisien (KM) ek Kreol Rodrige (KR)”, Akademi Kreol Repiblik Moris, 2024
- Co-author of ‘Prezans KM dan bann Minister ek institision gouvernmantal ek/ou para-etatik’ in Lortograf Kreol Repiblik Moris : Enn bilan lor lekritir Kreol Morisien (KM) ek Kreol Rodrige (KR), Akademi Kreol Repiblik Moris, 2024
- Co-author of ‘Mauritian Cinematography and the Male Gaze: Maximising Women’s Bodies and Minimising the Female Voice. An analysis of the representation of women on screen and behind the camera in Mauritian films.’ in “Women in the Making of Mauritian History. 2nd edition”, edited by Steve Sénèque and Vijaya Teelock, Editions de l’Océan Indien, 2023.
- « Kaya ant sime lamizer ek sime lalimier» Actes de contestation, hybridation et œuvres de construction nationale : un artiste créole au cœur d’une publication scientifique en Kreol Morisien (créole mauricien) in “Démocratisation de la démocratie. Mouvements sociaux, institutionnalisations citoyennes et mobilisations numériques.“, edited by Bernard Idelson, Grégoire Molinatti, Christiane Rafidinarivo, Presses Universitaires Indianocéaniques, June 2023.
- Editorship, Agency and Content through the Gender Lens: An Analysis of Gender Balance in the News Industry and its Output in Mauritius in “The Gender Divides of the Mauritian Society: Re-appropriating the Empowerment and Citizenship Discourse” edited by Tandrayen Ragoobur, V., CODESRIA, Éditions Le Printemps, 2020.
- Introdiksion in “Kaya ant sime lamizer ek sime lalimier“, Creole Speaking Union, 2020.
- Co-author of Kaya, enn Zom Santimantal in “Kaya ant sime lamizer ek sime lalimier“, Creole Speaking Union, 2020.
- Itilizasion Lang Kreol dan bann Text Kaya in “Kaya ant sime lamizer ek sime lalimier“, Creole Speaking Union, 2020.
- The Media as Agents of Democracy in Mauritius in “The Mauritian Paradox: Fifty years of Development, Diversity and Democracy”, UOM Press, 2018.
- Ethics in Journalism: Why and How? in “Ethical Journalism and Gender-Sensitive Reporting”, 2013.
- Gender-Sensitive Reporting in “Ethical Journalism and Gender-Sensitive Reporting”, 2013.
- State or Self regulation. The search for common ground in “Enhancing Democratic Systems: The Media in Mauritius”, 2011.
- La représentation de la femme dans les médias mauriciens. De la discrimination subtile aux stéréotypes flagrants. in “Femmes et représentations culturelles”, 2009.
- Author of ‘The use of the mother tongue in public health communication since the Covid-19 pandemic. The case of Kreol Morisien and Kreol Rodrige’, in Handbook of Health Communication in the Global South, International Association for Media and Communication Research. Wiley (forthcoming).
- Co-author of ‘Emotion over the airwaves: Considering nuances in linguistic and production choices in African radio news through the affective news framework’ in Handbook of Journalism and Emotions: Theory, Production, Content, and Responses, International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR) and Wiley Blackwell (forthcoming).
Edited Books
- Countering Disinformation: Ensuring an Open and Transparent Infoscape, Australian High Commission & University of Mauritius, 2023.
- Kaya ant sime lamizer ek sime lalimier, Creole Speaking Union, 2020.
- Media Ethics and Regulation. Insights from Africa, Langaa, 2013 (available on Amazon).
- Enhancing Democratic Systems: The Media in Mauritius, UOM Press & Langaa 2011 (available on Amazon).
Contributions as lexicographic & scientific coordinator
- “Diksioner Morisien (Trwaziem edision)” by Carpooran. A., Éditions Le Printemps, 2019.
- “Diksioner Kreol Rodrige Version prototip let A-G” by A. Carpooran & Y. Maury, UOM Press, 2019.
- “Diksioner Kreol Rodrige” by A. Carpooran & Y. Maury, Komision Ār ek Kiltir & Liniversite Moris, 2021.
Other contributions
- La Constitution, euh… c’est quoi?, Amnesty International Mauritius Section with FES and UNDF, Caractère Ltée, 2010.
- Member of editing committee: Revi Sians ek Konesans pou tou dimounn Volim 1, CSU Edision, 2021.
- Member of review committee: Folklor Lil Moris, CSU, 2023.
Commissioned Research
- Mauritius Country Report in Report on the State of Right to Information in Africa 2017 in the context of SDG 16.10.2
- The State of ICT in Education in Mauritius for Pearson Education International, 2008.
- Evaluation of National Media Campaign on Non-Communicable Diseases for WHO and MOHQL, 2006.
- Evaluation of National Media Campaign on HIV-AIDS for WHO and MOHQL, 2006.
Ongoing research Projects
- Public oversight of digital surveillance for intelligence purposes: a comparative case study analysis of oversight practices in southern Africa (funded by the British Academy)
- Revisiting the ethnographic and linguistic specificities of Rodrigues (commissioned by Rodrigues Regional Assembly and PMO)
- Preparasion Terin pou Introdiksion Kreol Repiblik Moris dan Parlman (inter-institutional research project with UOM, MIE, UTM, OUM and UDM) reviewed in 2022 as Promoting Institutional Democracy through Language Access in Kreol Repiblik Moris and Digital Innovation, under the aegis of the Higher Education Commission.
Creative writing
- Kadans siklonn, enn ti text ki finn paret an Desam 2021 dan liv “Ti zistwar” ki finn pibliye par Daarka ek ilistre par Geeani kot Krike Krake Edition.
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