I am a Senior Lecturer in Media and Communication Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities (FSSH) of the University of Mauritius since 1999. I am also the Head of the Mediacom Studio.
When I arrived, there was only a part-time diploma course in Communication Studies. I launched the BSc (Hons) in Communication Studies in 2001 and the BSc (Hons) in Journalism in 2011.
I manage the Mediacom Studio, an audiovisual and multimedia facility which I set up in 2008 for the training of Journalism and Communication students at UOM thanks to funding from the UNESCO agency IPDC.
In 2006, I created a blog called UOM-Communication Studies for Journalism and Communication students where I post all my supporting material for lectures and relevant announcements.
My areas of interest include cultural studies, film theory, journalism and new media with a particular focus on press freedom, media regulation, and gender-sensitive reporting. I am the author of two books, ‘Media Ethics and Regulation. Insights from Africa‘ (May 2013) and ‘Enhancing Democratic Systems: The Media in Mauritius‘ (August 2011), as well as numerous research articles. I am also involved as a collaborator on the Mauritian Creole Dictionary (Diksioner Morisien) and the forthcoming Rodriguan Kreol Dictionary. I am a member of the Board of the Creole Speaking Union.
I am married to Avinash, a Computer Scientist and we have a daughter Anya, born in 2002, and a son Kyan, born in 2004.
I may be contacted at the following addresses: chanssc@uom.ac.mu, christina@noulakaz.net or christinameetoo@gmail.com
Thanks for the nice words. I got the opportunity to browse your blog… It’s nice. You are a courageous lady. Very few people are really ready to prepare a better future for our kids…
Hi Vina,
Thanks for the nice words.
I think you are a courageous lady too, much more courageous than me and you have so much energy to do things, to get out there on the field!
Keep it up,
came through this blog through avinash’s blog..
au moins il y en a quelques lecturer de l’uom qui sortent du lots!!
other academic should follow your e.g and your husband..
the others, not all, are so introvert and don’t express themselves much(if ever there is, it’s not for interesting matters, sois c’est pour critiquer un collegue, ‘palabrer’, etc) and for me ppl like you, who teach, should be really accessible to the whole mauritian community, not only students and to discuss things that have sense, that are really of general public interests.
rest assured i’m neither a uom student nor employee criticising the academic staff although i know a lot overthere are not worth it! :p
i want your opinion on that:
a person can be really qualified, but if they don’t have the art of teaching, they can’t be good lecturers as they can’t deliver the goods appropriately..
and uom are filled with these kinds of lecturers who happens are not helping the students at all, rather than just making their lives more miserable..you agree with me?
well running short of time, keep it up, wish you good luck for your future endeavours.
Thanks for your nice words chouaibe.
I agree with you that academic qualifications are not sufficient; you need to have the pedagogic tools and an inclination to sharing of knowledge as well to be a good lecturer.
Some of it you might have initially, some you learn and acquire as you go along.
And this is valid for all teaching professions… which is unfortunately not necessarily the case in Mauritius.
As an extension, I would say that in all professions, education is not enough, inclination or vocation is necessary!
It makes me feel sorry to hear that some lecturers who are not helping students. I guess in those cases, it’s also up to the students to either communicate directly and politely their frustration to the lecturer so that he or she can improve or use the feedback form to communicate that indirectly.
I am also sorry to see that some students have a ‘clienteliste’ approach, i.e. provided they pass in their modules, they don’t really mind the quality of teaching!
I cannot understand the fuss about DCDM Business School, now Charles Telfair Institute, becoming a major player in the tertiary education scenery of Mauritius. Nor do I appreciate the critics against the University of Mauritius. For decades now, I should say that UoM has done a pretty good job of delivering many exemplary academics on the local scene. Having worked with a lot of people and being under the supervision of an ex student of UoM itself, I should say that UoM is by far the best source of high calibre prospects for any employer in the country. However, it is also important to point out the fact that being myself an ex DCDM Business School student, this institution has provided me a pathway to knowledge in a particular field which I have always aspire to take. Knowing that I would never be abe to integrate UoM nor UTM, I should say that this is where the DCDM Business School came into play, providing tertiary education to those who did not have the chance to do so. Yes, I achieved successfully what I was meant to do and after more than 5 years of working expeience, I decided to undertake further studies in Australia. Coming back to the article of Raj Meetharban in L’Express, I should say that the comments are far too harsh on UoM. But, also I would like to point out that nowadays, the major question is not about outdated or the newest curriculum that matters most, but, the way that students is being guided along their programme. And all this comes to one big word, “VOCATION” of the education providers. I have been in Australia for nearly one year now and I should say I have been doing pretty well, but, it is not due to the fact that the lecturers nor the curriculum are better. It is simply due, to the fact that I have acquired much in the workplace from experience and also, having been guided extremely well by a manager who was from UoM. And for me, such mentor has proved by far the best than the lecturers I am actually dealing with in Australia.
Hello christina,I’m happy that kind of website exists.i’m not sure but is it a site where one can express themselves?.In fact I’m a student at UoM and a event happened to me there on february 2007,and i am not sure if i have the right to express myself..on that site.I found that site while doing a research on communications.
from Sanjiv
Sure you can express yourself (provided that are no insults or obscenities of course) on any matter related to issues raised on my blog. There’s also a blog for my students (but open to all for viewing and contributing comments) on http://comstudies.wordpress.com
What’s happened to you?
Thanks.I think I will use the other website, but let me wait that the exams stress ends.In fact I had mine today.
By the way ,i’m a pharmacist so a good medicine
will be a panadol which contains Caffeine,taken every 3 hrs,
and if anyone is having fever a medicine called ZIMAX taken one a day, and you get well in 3 days.
If I tell this to everyone..pharmacies’ customer will diminish in the long run.
Hi Christina,
Hope you are fine,
I am Krish From Melbourne University and I am a Mauritian. I am just surfing on the net to look for the prospect of work in Mauritius. Your website is just excellent interms of Layout and Design. I think that it is one of the best Website that I have visited so far in the categories of Personal Website.
Infact I am studying BA in Communication and Multimedia Design in Melbourne University. The Unit is base on different media, Commmunication, Communication Design, Web Designing, 2d and 3D animation, 3D architecture and computer interactivity. It is all base on how to communicate in different medium and how Media works. It is my final semester and I am planning to return home after my study.
What do u think about the prospect of the particular field in Mauritius. I do not want to disturb you with these questions. I am very concern with the job after my study and you are the only one who I think can give me these information since you have a very good backgroud and experience in the communication and Media field.
Ok hope to hear from you soon,
Thanks for Reading my mail
From Krish
Hello christina..I don’t know how to put this article in the website of worldpress.But you can do it if you want.
A true story that happened at the University of Mauritius
Hi everyone, my name is Sanjiv. I’m following an Msc course in management at the University .Here is a story that happened to me at the University of Mauritius .
On February the 22nd of this year at about 4.00 PM ,I was in my car going to the University from Rose-Hill ,just as I reached the round –about of Reduit I took the lane on the left which goes to the University side.
When I entered that lane, there was a white van which was behind mine. The van started horning at me, as if he got annoyed that I came in front of him. As I reach the round-about, I stopped to see if I can go through, the white van horned again. I didn’t bother because this kind of attitude is now common nowadays that people seemed to be in a hurry and angry mood when driving and not respecting other human beings.
I continued my way on the road. As I reached the cross-here near the University bus stop, students were crossing in front of my car, so I was obliged to stop again and let the students crossed. The white van behind me horned again and again behind me and was shouting at me “ ROULER TA ..”.I looked at the back and signed “What’s wrong”.
I continued to move and I saw a policeman near the bus-stop ,I tried to make him a sign that someone behind me is hurrying me but he seemed to be more busy watching other things and did not pay attention to my problem.
So I continued to move and I reached the second round-about ,I had to stop again because cars from the Octave Wiehe are crossing in front of my car.The van horned again.I was morally exhausted with that white van but I couldn’t do anything,I was not stopping deliberately ,I’m driving normally.
Finally I found a space through and continued my way to find for a parking, I looked at the mirror and I saw that the van was still behind mine.
Just after the passerelle of ‘University of Mauritius’,I continued to move and found a parking near the security guards’ office. I stopped my car and didn’t bother about the white van, I took my bag and got out of the car.
Suddenly like a flash, I saw the white van stopped near me , a man came out ‘like an animal behaviour’ ,he just punched me on my face.., I didn’t had the time to realize.. that a second man from the same van came out and punched me on my face too,I was like in a ‘coma’ state..I didn’t understand what was happening to me.I had a reflex of just getting back in my car and closed the door and put the lock.The man shouted’ To croire la cause to pe apprane l’Universtet qui to ene mari ,to pe arreter devant moi au moins cent fois,..nous montrer toi qui sane la ki MARI , nou 10 fois pli mari qui toi,sa qui nou le ,nou capav faire are toi’ they went back to their van and move down the road.
It was about 4.15 pm, I still was not realizing what happened to me..in fact I couldn’t believe what I was going through, I just looked at the rear-mirror in my car ..and I saw that everyone was watching.I didn’t know what to do, tears were running out of my eyes even though that I’m a mature person.I sat in my car at least 1-2 minutes .. nobody approached me to ask what happened and I stayed in my car.a man in another car in front of me watched all the scene and he remained in the car.Nobody came to defend me.
My class start at 4.30 pm.and I know I have to go out of my car.So I got out.
Of all these people who were watching .., may be hundreds of them ..only one security guard named Clifford approach me ,I was still in a state of shock.I was demoralized.
The white van which went down finally realized that the road was closed down there , the white van came back and stopped again near my car.
The man shouted at the security guard ‘ Li pe rouler couma dire simer pou li., kouyon la.., li declare mari ..,noune montrer li pa faire mari are nous’’
There were 2 or 3 security guards that then came.. and nobody stopped the van.On my side intelligently I said ‘ Correct pena problem.’ I even said ‘Pardon ‘ so that they just go.
The only thing in my mind is that I have a class at 4.30 pm.I saw people around still watching , some just passed by watching indifferently.The security guard asked me’ki nou faire , nou faire la police arêtte zotte’
I said ‘ Non , laisse zotte..,mane vagabond ou bien droguer sa .. mo ena ene classe mari important la , mo pas pou gagne le temps alle la police astere la .., apres mo guette ene coup.’
In my mind ..I was afraid ..I was thinking if I pursuit them and that they know I’m a student here,, they can wait for me somewhere ..someday.’WHO WILL PROTECT ME.’ Clifford accompanied me to the lift ,I was still in a state of shock and was still not really conscious what happened .., all I know.. blood was bleeding inside my mouth.
I entered the class..and told what happened to some of my classmates ..out of 15 students only 3 or 4 seemed to care ..some were even taking fun of what happened to me.I stayed in the class till 7.30 pm ..I was just looking at the teacher without really understanding what he was teaching that day.In my mind I couldn’t accept that such a thing happened to me at the University of Mauritius.What happened I didn’t deserve this.I paid Rs 140,000 for that course and it seems that there is no security in that University .
I have stayed in Russia for 7 years ,a place called Pyathigorsk in Caucasus region,I was the only Mauritian student for the last one and a half years in a district like Madagascar island and I have never felt unsafe as I feel unsafe in my own country and still at the only University of Mauritius.
When I returned home that night ,my mother was eating and watching the TV ..,I was looking at her and thinking” May be I wouldn’t have returned home today..I could have died if these people had a piece of metal in their hands..,I could have lost my life at the University of Mauritius’ and innocently.In fact till today I haven’t narrated what happened nor to my mother nor to any one of my family till today ..so that my mother remains at peace..in fact she has heart problems.If I had narrated her..she would have told me to stop the course.I want her to sleep peacefully.One day may be I’ll tell her.
I’m myself no ordinary student ..I came out first in the University of Pyathigorsk in Russia( Govt scholarship) the University gave me a distinction with a plus in MSc Pharmacy.I was even granted a Phd scholarship by the same University but my family made me return back to Mauritius.
I did a second Master degree, an MBA in strategic planning with the Dublin Metropolitan University ( Ireland), I have also 2 Certificates and 7 workshop certificates .I even have a certificate in Cinematography and I played in a film called EROS with my best friend Wassim Sookia as director which received the First Prize in an International competition in France last year,I’m also the realisator of the ‘making of’ of that film .I speak many languages Russian ,Chinese, Hindi and soon Spanish.And I’m right now doing a third master degree which is very rare in the country.
That night of my aggression ,I phoned a friend that advised me to make a deposition at the Police Station.The next day I went to the police station of Moka and the policemen didn’t write my statement because I didn’t take the number of the van.The state I was ..it was difficult for me to think that I have to write the vehicle number .I was thinking may be someone at the university took the number.I went back to the university and nobody of the body guards took the number of the van.
The next day I phoned to L’Express.., Le –defi plus.. Radio-plus, le Matinal …to tell them what happened to me. They took my phone number but nobody ..not even one journalist phoned me. I went to see the president of university student .When I went to see him ..as if I was disturbing him .I narrated him my story and he said ;’ KI OULE MO FAIRE?’ I was shocked but NOT SURPRISE.
I told to some students in my class that I wanted to put an article about ‘poor security at the University’ ..somebody later approached me and told me to be very careful what you are going to write ..or you will have to pay the consequences..you have still one year to go . I waited and waited.. 2 months passed away .Then one day Clifford ask me if I got the number of that van .I answered ‘No’. He told me ‘how come ..they have the number’. Nobody in fact told me… the exams were starting in one month ..so I didn’t go to the police again.I think there is a time limit too.Many security guards approached me and told me that many things has happened in that University..(A girl was even kidnapped..or lecturer were beaten in his bureau, at night hooligans with knifes round about the University region ..but many stories are covered or CAMOUFLER)
Some girls in my class tell me that they feel unsafe when they have to park their car down the University where there is no light at all, its like a forest down the road.,And for the evening course ..you rarely get a good parking ,..even you have paid large sum of money ..you are not given security or allowed to park in the basement even if at night its not full.You even sit on PVC chairs that are balancing ..
I thought may me there would have been a change in the policy of security but NOBODY SEEMS TO CARE WHAT HAPPENED TO ME. I didn’t sleep for many nights..I had a kind of psychological damage specially when you feel lonely within yourself and had to consume what happened ..alone. I wonder if I was the son of a minister ..may be there would have been an urgent committee on security .May be all newspapers would have been interested…
Well..it’s the past now..but may be in the future another student may have a worst story…
Hi Krish,
Thanks for your (too) nice words; but I have to say there are a number of other Mauritian bloggers who do have interesting websites (check the Mauritius Blog Tracker) and the design is not mine: credit must be given back to where it’s due that is to its creator Patricia (http://www.vanillammist.com)
The content is mine though so I’ll say thanks anyway.
Regarding your query, I am not an expert in the fields you have mentioned as I am more oriented PR/Journalism/Culture/Sociology of new media & communication, etc.
Anyway, I think that anyone who feels passionate and is good in a particular field will succeed in finding or making a place for him or herself. I have the feeling that there are some job opportunities like in the advertising sector and in some innovating IT companies. You might probably be better guided by people like Pascal Grosset (http://pascalg.wordpress.com/).
Good luck!
Hi Sanjiv,
Your story is indeed very disturbing. And if the other stories you heard about from the security guys are true, it is indeed cause for concern.
I do not see why you have to be afraid of letting the administration know what has happened to you, specially if it can help adopt measures for ensuring better security in the future.
In fact, I really feel sad that there are gross people like those who hurt you. Unfortunately, in this country there are a lot of people like that with a culture of ‘mo plis mari’. Security is indeed lacking in Mauritius. I personally feel that being a woman is quite difficult in Mauritius. It’s not easy for a girl to walk alone on the streets as soon as obscurity starts setting in. Even in daylight, you do not feel that secure. In the area of security specially for women, we are a backward country.
People are also very much afraid of helping others when they see people having problems. OK, they might not have gone and stopped your aggressors but the least they could have done is to get you some first aid help!
As for the security guys, they should have at least noted down the incident and reported all those other incidents to management. How do they expect management to know what’s happening all day long and specially after office hours? I guess also there is a need to train them in proper security management so at the same time it’s not their fault. People in lower jobs are always afraid of communicating to upper levels. They sometimes think ‘people at the top should know cos they’re at the top’.
Yet, I think that you should really start by letting the UNiversity know about what has happened to you not because you want redress (they can’t track down those guys and it’s not completely the University’s fault) but because this can help review the security measures and avoid such incidents in the future.
I myself had to get some keys to open my building on a Saturday at 5.30 p.m. and did not feel very safe crossing the campus to get the keys from the basement to my building where there was not a single soul. And some of the guys working on the campus (not security) were almost whistling at me but I did not really bother as it was just a flash visit…
I must say that I can understand how this event can have a damaging moral impact on you. Maybe you need to talk to others or a counsellor as a therapy and even take positive actions like warning your friends around you to be careful, etc.
This should not stop you or anyone else from carrying on with your studies. Those morons will stay as morons, you will move on.
@ Sanjiv
There’s a Human Rights Society at UOM..maybe thet can look into the matter and do smg concerning security and such incidents. here is their mail add:
Such incidents should not happen again!! you should complain
@ Mrs Chan-Meeetoo
U r right. Women r not protected in this country. I smts prefer to wait (for my dad) in the library coz even the men working on campus smts make obscene remarks or whistle like u say!
Every week women are being abused/attacked on the streets!!
An incident I want to share
Sme months back a mad man slapped & punched so many students in Curepipe just after school hrs. He was punching evryone who was on his way..My students sme even athletes, well-built just fell to the ground, sme even unconcious, a small boy from another school had broken nose, other gus cudnt even defend themselves..other students fled to nearby shops scared and traumatized!! If only he had a weapon, so many lives wud have been lost!!
But guess what? Even after such an incident ,the guy is free! There’s not even a policeman in the vicinity as preventive measure… That’s Mauritius!!!
Hi Sanjiv,
I am Sundeep, student at uom as well and president of the human rights society on campus. I would like, with your permission of course, to reproduce your words onto our society’s blog: http://hrsuom.wordpress.com/ to have our members react to it.
I believe you have been in a state of shock and I sincerely hope that you get over it asap.
You have raised several issues of interest to us and I would welcome you to debate about same with members of our society. As you have been advised, I will also strongly recommend that you REPORT the case. The HRS shall back you up. And if you need support, we shall be more than ready to help..
Wishing you well,
Sundeep Tengur
Hello Sundeep..christina and also Ishtiba . Thanks everyone for ur messages.
I think there should be other stories of insecurity from other people as well.May be there were other stories from ex-students too.. One case is not enough to support a change.In fact at that time I even informed the chief security ..he told there was no use to write a letter to the higher management..well i didn’t wanted to create a conflict of interest where I can become a victim again.
I was not aware that there was a human right society at UoM .I think in the future there should be a campaign of ‘feedback questionnaire at UoM to students and even lecturers ,concerning security and other issues( for( e.g sexual harrassment among students or lecturer-students)’.
If you want to make the UoM an example of how the country should be in the the future , the UoM environment would be a very good place to start practising ‘how we can make a better country to live with respectable values ‘ . future journalists or future professionals should start using the UoM as their battlefield before going on a bigger scale environment.
I was astonished once to see advertisement of a ‘Swami’ or ‘sect’..on the walls of the University everywhere ..influencing students to become members of that sect.Incredible ..these things do not exist in other Universities in the world.There are so many issues at UoM but we take many things for granted..Any way thanks guys .. will come to meet you Sandeep ….and Christina one day.
Is our country really a ‘Paradise in the Indian Ocean’???????
One case may not be enough to support a case but it is more than enough to trigger it. What has happened to you is simply NOT acceptable and something HAS to be done. Let’s at least give ourselves a chance to make a difference..
I do not wish to over-stretch this matter on Mrs Chan-Meetoo’s blog and i invite you to contact us as and whenever you can so that we can work something out, for the benefit of everyone working and studying on campus.
Ok Sundeep .You are right.I accept.I will have to come to the University this week ,I have a meeting with a lecturer on thursday.I have your mobile number ,I’ll let you know.
If you think you can trigger a ‘butterfly effect’ with a positive outcome for the good of everyone …I think its worth then..C u.
My e-mail is sdrbrige@intnet.mu.
Christina, this a ery informative blog , and well-done for your powerful involvement about life in Mauritius!
Thanks Philippe…
Hi just browsed your blog in an internet cafe. It has a lot of useful content about life & your country. I will surely give it more time next time and trust you already got a fan!!
Keep up the writing!
Hello friends,
I’m happy to see that there are so many people that are not so indifferent of what happened once at UoM . In fact when I read ‘le -defi’ newspapers, I always thought that these kind of stories happens to other people and not to people like me.I’m myself a very calm person, polite and from a good family background.I’ved always live a peaceful and pure life.
But now I know we are not ‘a l’abri’ in this world of people with’ negative or demoniac’ mind,.. and even of bad influences of all forms..The world we are living is becoming more and more unsafe and difficult .And we have to be very careful.
Frankly friends .., how many people can we trust nowadays ? How many people think the way you think? How many understands your action?
You may tell someone that the sun is shining but if that guy is wearing sunglasses ..he will always see the sun dark!
There are so many people in our country that are blinded by their political backing or by their ego that they will deny to see what we want them to see in order to secure their benefits.
I only hope that our country’s society do not deteriorate more and more…..How will it be in 10 years ? In what world will today’s children live tomorrow..?
Can we help each other for a change?
I still believe we can.
If there is a will,there is a way.
Help yourself and ………………
from sanjiv
Hi Christina,
well, 2 days aga, i found out about ur blog in L’express journal and today i am visting it and read the coments. Hats off to you for this fabulous job by allowing us to express FREELY our opinion. next time i will surely coment. So,how You think the forthcoming budget be focus on
@ All
Not everyone know what they mean.
If it’s not too much trouble, please translate whenever you use non-English phrases
I can’t believe I am reading this from a mature university educated male.
If I understand this correctly, you got out of your car, two guys came out and punch you. Right?
Then your reaction was
1) go back into your car
2) lock the doors
3) cry
Are you serious?
Did you ever learn to defend yourself? Now is the time to learn. Let this be a lesson for you.
Believe me, if someone punched me – or even attempt to – I would physically defend myself. And I would not be the first one on the ground.
Learn to defend yourself. Don’t be a victim. Create alliances, get friends, track down the licence plates of the van.
Don’t wait for the security guards to do something – you do something. File charges against the agressors. When that’s over, file civil charges for pain and suffering. You are traumatised right? Well, they should pay medical bills also. And lawyer fees.
Don’t whine; do it. Talk to a lawyer and TELL the lawyer what you want to do. Let him tell you if it’s possible or not. Don’t let the lawyer tell you what to do.
Stop this whining and do something. Human Rights my A$$. Start with getting a description of the van, the perpetrators, the lic plate numbers then file a complaint. Then follow up.
Write back and let us know.
Folks i am very disturbed by this tale.
When did you guys learn that calm and polite people get by in this world? I know, the colonizers whated it that way so they won’t have an Iraq style insurgency.
If you are by nature a very calm and polite person, then make sure you send your kids to karate class. Let them read spy novels. Novels about conspiracy and betrayal. Novels about lies and deception.
Beleive me, the meek and the week gets screwed every time.
@ Sanjiv
I was just telling a friend about this incident and (here in Washington DC) we do find it hard to believe that the police won’t take a statement. Go back to them and give them a statement. A missing licence plate number is no darn excuse not to take a statement. They have to take a statement. They are just the police, not a judge/magistrate to decide what goes into the statement.
You, Sanjiv, write a statement. Describe everything that happens, include date time, security guard conduct, police conduct, etc.
Now, I know next to nothing about Mauritius (I only discover this blog yesterday) but with a population of 1 million, I am guessing there’s about 400K vehicles. Guessing again that there are about < 50K vans of which only a fraction match the description of the one driven by the perpetrators. You see where I am going?
Now, just get to work and keep us updated and know that there’s at least one person who wants to help you.
Remember what the goal is: You were assaulted. This is a criminal offense – punishable by confinement – don’t let them get away with it.
Hello Mrs Chan-Meetoo,
am very impressed by ur blog and it has helped me to be acquainted with you,abt ur course and the Uni (through the others responses/feedbacks and feelings…) very nice!
student (from the 1st year)
what are the non-sense thing you are writing. Do you believe you can write anything without bearing the responsibilities and the consequences
@ M
No one is forcing you read my nonsense!
This is my idea of democracy. If you don’t agree with any of my posts or visitors’ comments, why don’t you make substantiated comments instead of vague gratuitious remarks?
M, you are a coward. Don’t you have the courage to use your real name instead of hiding behind such a pathetic alias?
Hi Christina
I am neither a university student nor an intellectual like you. Even though i want to join you all.
For the time being accept my ‘hello’ and god bless you and your family.
Havent gone through your website completely, but first impression U must be doing really good job out there. Great, Keep It Up! Being a student of UOM some couple years back makes me happy see some young energetic people whos aligning their passion with vision.
Cheers And Kind Rgds
Yanesh Puryag
Website Design & Hosting
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Having gone through you website I must admit I am quite disorientated by what I have read. Well there seems no line of demarcation between academic intelligence and partisan intelligence. Referring to you comment on the now President Sarkozy debate versus Segolene Royal, I have noticed the pro-Royal approach which is in deep contradictory with an intellectual and impartial approach. Any person with a modicum of intelligence would have predicted the defeat of Segolene in an election where the “Cheval de Bataille” was to reform a France which has accumulated huge budgetary deficit since the last decade.
Though I personally understand the feminist approach pertaining to the “Saintete Simone de Beauvoire” concept to women in politics, but I fail lamentably to understand the comment you made “C’est Sego qui gagne le debat” Let’s be honest, Nicolas Sarkozy has overwhelmed as far as I can remember in the debate, he was much well prepared and he above all he was the driving force in the debate.
Segolene political campaign was but based on the personality of the latter as some political analyst said “La politique de glamour”, the former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin anticipated the defeat of his own party as I recall he said in an interview in Le Monde. Well I am personally in favour for women in the highest seat of office but in favour of competenceny and clarity of view not just because I can fetich on the candidate, for god sake please be more intellectually coherent. Sarkozy was the guy France was anticipating after years of lethargic president of Jacques CHirac, his hyperactive actions as interior and Finance minister prove his mettle. Let’s be clear if a duck quack let’s say it clear and loud, not just to prove the perennial feminist stance to support the unsupportable.
Why use ‘Paul Raymond’ as nickname?
It is so easy to hide behind pseudos to make personal attacks, isn’t it? Anyway, I have already said this but I will repeat again: you have the right to have a different opinion from mine and to express it on MY blog but I cannot accept personal attacks like insinuating that I am intellectually incoherent and using the tone you have used here.
To come back to the Sego-Sarko debate (why did you not comment directly on the post?), I did not say that Segolene won the debate according to my assessment because of feminism (I’m not a feminist BTW) but because from the communication perspective I think she performed better on that day. Ultimately she failed to convince the French electorate because she did not defend her new approach to politics sufficiently (participative democracy). And she was also abandoned by the other PS heavyweights.
Conversely, I think Sarkozy can be admired for his dynamism and will to tackle huge reforms in the French society. He could be a great president if he stopped fooling around with the media and justifying the ‘bling bling’ nickname he got. He seems to have got the message but he’s already inflicted extensive damage to his reputation. That’s why he’s hit so low in the polls only one year after being elected just like Chirac. Dommage….
Hi Sanjiv,
When I read your story,it makes me remember the times when I was bullied in secondary school and indeed I sympathize with you for that incident.
Like christina and Ishtiba said, insecurity is rampant at UOM and the case of a student(whose car was stolen at the university premises this year) proves it.
As a friend, I hope you will forget that painful experience
and I can advise you to learn self-defence(judo,aiko) which can protect you from these people who brutalize others.
Hi Christina
I found your blog through ishtiba’s and have had a very good read of most of your articles and the comments posted. It is good to see other mauritians who still want things to change and who are willing to work towards change. Keep up the good work!
Hello Sanjiv,
I was shocked and yet not also to hear about your incident.
Shocked about what really happened and how you were denied the right of giving a statement and not shocked because there are people out there that will always be like that and you cant do anything about them.
It’s very easy for others to say that you were lame and a coward but believe me my friend that, I would have reacted just like you. We are people who have responsibilities and on whom our parents have placed great expectations. If at that moment, YOU had a metal bar and had lost your self-control then you could so easily have silenced them. But then what? Court Proceedings, Sentence, … Jail.
What would have been the use of studying so much if you had to spend the rest of your life in cell?
I understand that you were in a shocked state, but try look at the positive things dude. You may get horrible nightmares following that but you are ALIVE man. And you will surely go on to accomplish the goals that you have set.
The vandals who did that to you will always remain like that. They dont have any mission in life, no education and only know how to show off their physical strength against us.
Think twice before you act and that is what you rightly did on that day.
Every place has its plus and minus.
If the developing countries have some drawbacks, the developed countries have major drawbacks too.
One should make the most of whats positive and try to improve what can be.
Life is different in Canada and most Mauritians are benefitting because of bilingual jobs.
Nice blog Christina
My greatest symphathy goes to Sanjiv.
Unfortunately, Mauritius is still a dictatorial regime even though most Mauritians have been fooled into thinking by their leaders that they are enjoying democratic rights and freedom.
Why there is no security in Mauritius?
Because the leaders themselves are thugs and mafias and thrive on corruption.
Check these websites for more info :
http://www.infowars.com and prisonplanet.com
Ta sanjiv
Pa vine raconte fim indien ici kan to ena hidden agenda contre ban pov malheureux kuma mwa ki frekente uom. dja ki tou dimune koner tne hT to degre dan la russie
Hi Christina. Do you know whether the UOM will offer postgraduate courses in the Communication field? Im really interested in pursuing my studies and I do not have the necessary funds to study abroad. I think that it would be a nice idea to launch such types of educational programmes. Btw you have a very interesting blog. Unfortunately (I have seen earlier posts) some morons chose to vandalised it by adding their own opinions without the balls of signing with their real names. I feel sorry for them as they are stuck in their dark little world.
Keep it up!
Hi Christina,
Cogratss 4 yr web site. Just want to have yr views on Barrack Obama….I appreciate him a lot. He has such an extraordinary communication skill.. If only one of our political leaders could have it…
Hi chris ur blog is just fantastic. u have a clear and independent mind. go on don’t ever back pedal
Thanks Zoro! I guess many won’t agree with you but I accept the fact that ‘independence’ is pretty difficult to define and people will have different interpretations of what I write. Some will invariably try to read me as either pro-govt or pro-opposition. It’s in our culture to always try to see on what side someone is. We are so binary sometimes…
Mrs Christian Meetoo,
I was very pleased about your views on political parties.
Today there is a long way for Women’s representation in Parliament to increase.
Before the elections , many women were ” struggling ” to have at least a quota 3 in 1, and that would ensure an “equal representaion”.
Some youngsters are even fed up of politics.
What are your views about that,
I’m Dinesh, your student from the Eco & Law 1st year.
This is a very interesting blog. It is very rare to see blog like this one in Mauritius.
I have gone through the various blogs. I have found the ‘Elections.mu’ a very interesting page.
see you tomorrow in class..

Thanks Dinesh!
Dear Christina,
You’ve done a fabulous thing launching this blog. I’ve only just come across it and I think it’s truly brilliant.
Very well presented, packed with info and a real pleasure to wanna discover more.
Well done and keep it up.
Warm Regards