Here are the slides that I used today for the Round Table on Gender Equality (Egalite Zom-Fam) which was organised by the Ministy of Gender at the Paul Octave Wiehe Auditorium:
Also a gallery of images which I showed during the session:
You said it on saturday last ‘habits die hard!’: This issue, which called also for vigilance, critical analysis, self restraint and vigourous action from tthe part of newspaper employees and collaborators, has been fully canvassed for decades…! It was even urged, then, that an effective ‘women’s desk’ be part of all organisations, agencies, bodies, ministries …. in order to be the watchdog until this unfelicitous trend – to reduce women to a mere ‘ market goods’, oran object as a ‘decorative pot’ – be eliminated! Why no sucessful results since? Instead, ths alienating situation and mentality is perversely being perpetuated! That is the question.
Media literacy is probably the way to go now. Lobbying should be continued but we as consumers also need to be more discerning, especially when it comes to what and how our kids consume media content. And more importantly, we need to discuss and share with our kids rather than just dump them in front of a screen. That was my central message. As well as the fact that ‘Princess is not a career choice’, as Justice Sotomayor said.