We are pleased to announce the launching of our book of proceedings for the UNESCO/UOM conference on the media in Mauritius which was held in September 2010 at the University of Mauritius.
The book is entitled ‘Enhancing Democratic Systems: The Media in Mauritius. A Dialogue Session’. It is a collection of papers presented by the panelists which come from the media industry, regulatory agencies, political parties, civil society and academia.
The ceremony will take place on Tuesday 23rd August in ELT1 at the Engineering Tower of the University. It is open to journalists and to anyone interested in media issues such as freedom of the press, media regulation and policies, training and professionalism and new trends in the media.
Smile! You’re on Le Matinal
Thanks Akash. You are also there: http://www.lematinal.com/technologie/13357-Un-site-educatif-sur-Maurice-et-un-autre-pour-blaguer.html

You saw that, huh?
Still in its infancy but can only get bigger and better from here. Well, hopefully.