I was interviewed by Pauline Etienne in L’express-Samedi following the arrest of three journalists (two from Radio Plus and the chief ed of Week-End).
You can read the interview on my blog here or on the site of L’express here.
On Media, Society and Mauritius
By the way, someone who finds your interview very interesting left a comment on my blog 🙂
Congratulations to a very measured and conservative approach to your
answers. I hope that you’re not lobbying to become the next chair or chief executive of the proposed Media Authority.
Is Mauritius on the verge of turning into a fascist state? The arrest of these journalists were not warranred. Who is going to scrutinise the police actions. As Mrs Chan-Meetoo had stated, the police actions are disproportionate to the alleged crime committed. If the police is of the opinion that it had been unjustly wrong, it should use the libel law.
We are going to become a banana republic soon on the same par as Zimbabwe if opposition voices are constantly being stifled. I wonder if it was the PM or the Minister of Justice who authorised such heavy handed actions.
yes yes. madam, you were as insightful as ever.
@ PCl wing
I am sure not lobbying for anything! To set the records straight, my interviews in the media are never the result of my seeking media attention. I have never lobbied for anyhting in my life and I will never be the lapdog of anyone, least of all a PM or any other politician in this country and neither will I flatter media people to gain attention. I try to be as objective and rational as I can in my assessments. I may become passionate or inflamed about something but I never make any calculated personal moves. Those who know me know this. This is probably why I still earn a miserable salary… But at least my dignity is safe.
@ ames
Can someone please explain to me why the journalists were arrested? The interview does not say. What did they report wrong? On what matter? Who were involved?
Thank you for clearing that up.
@ Launra
The journalists (The Chief Ed of Week-End and two journalists of Radio Plus) were arrested for publishing/airing news that a sum of money had apparently been discovered in the locker of a police officer.
The police say this is a case of false news and criminal defamation…
I do not have the trancript of the radio item but here’s the text of Week-End which you can also read online at http://www.lemauricien.org/weekend/in071118.htm
“Un magot découvert dans un poste de police
On en parle à voix basse au plus haut échelon de la force policière. Un petit nettoyage effectué récemment dans un poste de police des hautes Plaines Wilhems, question de mettre un peu d’ordre dans le “locker” d’un collègue désormais pris ailleurs, a été l’occasion d’une grande découverte celle d’un magot que l’on qualifie d’assez important. Ceux qui ont fait cette étrange découverte en ont fait part à leurs supérieurs qui ont demandé un peu de temps pour voir quelle suite donner à cette affaire.”
Radio Plus had taken up the news and added that a sum of around Rs. 4.3 m had been found and that a top politician had confirmed the information.
Hope this helps…
Hello Madam.
Is there a law which can go against me if I post more or less the same “news” online (hosted on an off-country server)?
Can I be safe here in Mauritius if I blog.
I used to blog but I received threats “we are taking legal advice against whatever you posted on your sites” because I was open and used to express my thoughts. I’ve unregistered the domain after I received too many threats from some companies which were not offering an acceptable QOS.
I am scared, Madam. I no longer blog. I no longer keep many contacts online. Few know my name and I try to attach myself to very few people online.
Can you help me by clearing this mess up (by answering me if I can be sued even if my host is not in Mauritius)?
Obviously, you are not a lawyer but I have the feeling you know about this matter.
Thank you.
@ ames
Yep, you are right, I am not a lawyer…
what kind of threats were you receiving? Could you not have made a statement to the police?
It surprises me that some companies could bother to threaten bloggers!
What kind of companies were you writing about? And what kind of posts were you making?
Basically, I asked my readers to explain what X company had told me – “ou l’ecran pas capave alimer tout les temps. li pas heavy duty sa”
I also suggested openly that all companies incl. X should have the term “heavy duty” explained and defined in their advertisements, and on their web sites annexed to the products.
Next thing I know, I receive short emails threatening me – X company will be asking for legal advice and apparently they know me.
Since, I’m someone cautious and though I know I merely expressed the truth but don’t want any trouble, I put an end to blogging.
The above case is the 3rd one. I had received other threats from other reputed companies before (for just telling the truth). There’s 1 of them (which you all know) – it’s touting its big deal with MS. I once posted about how that company misled people about the Mac and how angry I was that some salesman told a guy (it happened in front of me @ Port-louis) that BootCamp was something bad and should not be installed. He was convincing the guy to buy another PC. 1 month after the post, I received threats again – apparently, that company DID NOT APPRECIATE the post, and told me it would sue me if I don’t remove it.
I ignored that one. But after 3 threats of being sued, I’m not playing with fate again. I prefer to reduce my online presence and focus on other things. I’ve recently begun to post at Mauritian sites again, inspired by Pascal Grosset’s blog.
Anyway, it’s just pathetic to threaten bloggers for we just provide the truth and promote the sharing of information as well as discussion.
Oh well.
I don’t trust the police and certainly don’t want the press involved. It could ruin my career (I’ve a 4 year contract to work here and certainly don’t want to be put out of my job or getting a bad reputation from propaganda or prejudice of the mass who are not even able to understand slang (which I used to make use of a log while writing my post).