Seen on L’express today that UoM might not be able to pay us our wages as from April as it’s short of Rs50m for the financial year!
Though we had heard some internal rumours about financial difficulties, I had never imagined we would reach that stage, at least not so soon… Of course, I’m secretly hoping that it’s only unfounded news or that even if it is founded, the situation will be redressed with appropriate measures.
In any case, I had been hesitating about applying for some interesting job offers and finally let the deadlines go past without doing anything. Now, I’m thinking damn… I should have done it ;-(
Anyway, anyone got a job for me? And for Avi also of course, cos we’re in the same boat!
whats the deal with uom? i always thought that lecturers paychecks come from the government?
besides uom is bound to have these problems.. lets try to find some reasons y..
I see only one.. hehe..
crappy management!!! overpaid people working on the top management!!
and miss management of resources.. they just don’t exploit their available resources to the maximum!!
well, read that as well… thinking that Uom will have to stop courses around March!!! lol
anyways, MRA advertised for a Commn Officer…. but closing date is today… as far as mr Meetoo… the Cyber Tower’s companies are still searching for the Mauritians ‘perle-rare’…
Poor you 🙁
I just read that news online…We heard rumours too n last week heard about that sum in class ..That was a shock for us all !
We kind of “accepted” to pay for our copies ( handouts) knowing that UOM had financial difficulties..Up til last week we “didnt thk it was that serious and today seeing that Rs 50M figure mentioned in l’Express brought me back to reality!
Of course measures will be taken in the short wil be paid 🙂 n continue to work
But wat about the LONG-TERM basis? Wat about the “World class Quality Education” we want to achieve?
Thanks all for your concern…
@ Zaynah & Ishtiba: thanks… Youŕe probably right; the ministry will surely have to give some more money for this financial year, sinon, nou faire la grève!!! And you’re right, it’s a bit worrying for the long-term ;-(
@ Vicks, we don’t get fat paychecks and not directly from the govt. UoM is a parastatal body and it is given a grant every year from which our salaries are obviously drawn.
I think if govt still wants to keep tertiary studies at UoM for free (almost and for full-time students), it will have to give a more substantial grant every year to cater for rising costs, rising intake and renewal of equipment/maintenance, etc. As it is, it decided to reduce it this year….
There might have been some mismanagement of course, but it’s more probably the whole model that needs to be reviewed.
Yes, it is to be worried on the long-term… and Government should review its mode of granting subsidies to UoM and other parastatals of the same level…
if Full-time students pay as well, then may be, the quality of services (i dont mean tuition/lecture coz It is already of a good level) will be much better for all….
By the way, the Min of Labour & Employment will lauch its LMIS(Labour Market Information System) online shortly and jointly with DCDM… so be prepared to apply for ‘potential employers’ just in case UoM decides to release some of its staff…
UoM was run in the same line for a number of years without taking into account the changing times. With the limiting public expenditure and control of the government’s grant,without a gain in productivity what can be expected?
On a more positive note: Crisis opens into opportunities.The time has come to question UoM’s operation’s mode. Could we break in the mentality of “tenure” which prevails throughout the government’s related establishment and in Mauritius in general to turn our country into a “performance and value added” mentality?I can vouch that the “tenure” mentality is rapidly changing in the business sector. De traire la vache laitiere n’est plus d’actualite! Les temps ont change!
Ya I think its time for full timers to start paying…
Of course ther r rising costs, n investments shud be made…n those students have to understand that.. Tou zafer gratis mem dan sa pays la!
N nw if we make them pay..zot ki pu faire la greve !! heard these rumours on the campus today…
the solution: full time students must pay all fees n not only regis fees. then may b UOM ll ‘respiré’.
last semester we were doin perf classes wiz DéSIRé. the reason y he stopped teachin: HE WAS NOT BEIN PAID. thats unfair, both for him n us.
Nad sivaramen, our prin of journalism lecturer, of lexpress dimanche told us that there is some prob wiz the finance at UOM. may b there ll b an investigative dossier in his weekly. attendons voir.
the worst scenario: UOM closes down. but this is very very far-fetched n it ll surely not happen.
lets put some economics in it: if it closes down, the fixed costs ll b very high.
FIXED COSTS=refund of all fees paid by part or full timers(yr1 only :-)) inter alia.
so the closure ll make it incur higher losses. SO BETTER ROULE LOR ZANTE.. .:-)
bien entendu this is the worst scenario.
may b couples workin at UOM kapav faire bann ti concession salarial… 🙂
Hope things really get well for you and Avinash.
seems that am the only fulltimer here!!
Am sure am going to be flamed by many of you guys and gurls after this 🙂
I think Mrs Meetoo is right when she says that the govt still wants to keep tertiary studies at UoM for free (full-timers).
The problem that will arise if ever Tuition fees are to be paid will be many students after Hsc will not opt for tertiary education and will be force to enter the job market!! ( Now will the Government be able to provide that much jobs to students with no advance qualifications??)
Mauritius needs qualified and specialised employees.. and we don’t get that from among a swarm of HSC students..
tertiary education is a must and should be kept free!! Sinon nou fer la greve 🙂
We can’t make people pay for some crappy management By some people..
Btw those guys up there get really fat checks and yet they can’t get the job done!!!
heard a rumour that there are 7 assistant registrars at uom!!
And guess what… there is still vacancy at uom for assistant.. why do people need so much assistants?
@ zaynah
Quality services?? what do you want more? better library? bigger labs?
Am a CSE student and during lab session we often have to work 2 students on 1 pC.. yeps.. if we are not complaining then..
LIbrary.. Is the fee universal for all students?? y are there sitting arrangements reserved for law students??
lectures are already of a good level.. ahem..ahem!! 🙂 no comments
@ Ishtiba
the wave of disagreement starts all over again lol
Bon.. ene increase in Registration fee might be acceptable mais paye environ 50,000 par semester.. pas croire sa pou paC sans tapaz!!
Well everyone got their own point of view..but those who think that uom must becoming a paying institute are bein really selfish!! SELFISh!!! Bcz education must b made available to the poor and rich..and yea of course those who have money are the least bothered!! But wat happens to tthe one who dont have enuf money but got the intelligence! Should they b deprived of a tertiary education!! Well i think that the entry fees could b increased but as far as making it a paying one is a weird idea!!! Bcz the uni has reached this stage due to its mismanagement! lots of things could b done to bring about money! like increasing the working hours..coz par timers brings lots of money…..n increasing the number of activities..bcz here from 9 to 4!! exactly the lab opens and closes! where we going to reach anywhere like that! i really hope they going to drop this idea of paying…..or else there would b lots to protest agains them…..and hope the students going to use their voice!
[..] University of Mauritius on Econo Mode […]
I thk there are many students out there whose parents can pay..ok you cant pay all the fees but at least 50% should be paid by the student!
I even, dnt cme from a rich family but we’ ve managed to pay…Most of the persons in my class r nt rich people and some are even married have children, but they manage to pay!
N dont forget that most students at the University come from middle class families just like the part timers.
Maintenant concernant ceux qui peuvent pas payer, on peut trouver une solution.Peut etre, d’ou la necessité de revoir tout notre system d’allocation de bourses.. des millions sont depensés sur des jeunes qui SOUVENT ne retournent pas au contribuent pas au developpement economique. Et ces meme personnes sont souvent issu de familles riches.
Et le transport “gratuit” qui coute des millions au gouvernement.. si dire aret transport gratuit la osi zot pu fer la greve! 🙂 use that money efficiently!
@ Gurly
“coz par timers brings lots of money”
hey Gurly..u being SELFISH nw! Why shud we bring money for your use. you want to get better services, good labs, etc pay for it!!
By quality of services, i mean better infrastructure at UoM.. Dou know that we do Communication at UoM and we dont even have a proper Media Lab for Audiovisual Production.. each time UoM have to pay for other institutions to run these courses for us????
Hey of u want to have reserved desks for IT STudents at UoM, ask for it dear… Stand up for your rights if you think the IT Students are being overpowered by the LAW Students reserved space! and even for the PC allocation as well…
Check for any university worldwide and you will see how much people pay for their intellengentsia.. Only Mauritius and some French Countries provide free university courses!
Ohh and u do accept that part-timers brings lots of money.. the y dont full-timers do so… so that they can better facilities…