A voir sur la MBC3 tous les vendredis: La Séance des Jeunes Réalisateurs.
Les courts métrages de réalisateurs mauriciens sont enfin diffusés sur la télévision nationale.
Une occasion de voir en quoi consiste notre production filmique locale; de consommer de la fiction et du documentaire purement mauricien.
Nul doute que ces films pionniers comportent des faiblesses (techniques, scénaristiques ou de performance des acteurs); c’est l’apanage de tout pionnier. Il faudra surtout voir quels sont les thèmes qui préoccupent nos créatifs locaux, en quoi consiste notre imaginaire…
Le calendrier: (publié dans Le Mauricien d’hier)
13 octobre : Nani de Jay Bhunjun
20 octobre : Au rythme du séga de Benoît Fleurot
27 octobre : Eros de Wassim Sookia
3 novembre : Au clair de lune de Leslie Athanas
10 novembre : Le jardin des Pamplemousses de Stéphane Bellerose et Lipstick killer de Catherine Canabady
17 novembre : Un nuage de Dominique Merven
24 novembre : Les Piqueuses d’ourite de Laval Plaiche
1er décembre : 8 aprems de Patrice Canabady et The Wims de Frédéric Antoinette
8 décembre : Sabordages salutaires de Denis Vitry
15 décembre : Trahison de Leslie Athanas et A Fleur de peau d’Axelle Tennant
22 décembre : Sudba de Krishna Luchoomun
29 décembre : Tanga de Wassim Sookia
if am not mistaken, there has been a kind of competition before for the best realisateur of courts metrages (about 4 – 5 years back)
Was a quite nice competition with some very good creations!
jay Bhunjun was the winner 😛
Yep, there used to be a competition up to two years ago and some of the films shown are from those festivals. Last year, the MFDC changed the formula to a ‘ Fonds d’aide’, i.e., they give funding right from the start and provide also training + help them in the process of filmmaking. Of course, there is some selection procedure.
I missed the session last night and in fact completeley forgot to have it recorded. How was the film?
i’ve been through some of the post,nice blog
about the show, its actually now that am getting to know about it
don’t actually watch mbc that much
As vicks and you said, some of them has been aired before.
i remember the “Piqueuses d’ourite ” documentary, was quite interesting
unfortunately in Mauritius, television remains the main entertainment medium when it comes to video broadcasting
There are other options like video podcasts.
people are invited to freely download your shows and if its quite interesting, they will comeback for the next episode
Money is collected through ads, and in some cases its very lucrative!!
Thanks for the nice comment.
About TV vs podcasts, it’s an uneven match for the time being as all Mauritian households have at least one TV set whereas Internet connectivity remains quite low in comparison.
To patrice:
some cse friends and myself are planning to make a videoblog,
we are not making it inorder to earn money etc
its for the fun of doing it lol
sharing our thoughts and the little knowledge of “stuffs” that we have.
yea its true, that people having access to internet is low, but the importance is that the content gets to other people, if its interesting enough, students will share it ( on cds etc)
Nice initiative. Keep us posted on the project. I will check it out for sure.
You’re right about the importance of content reaching people. When Internet access is as widespread as TV, the sources of ‘power’ will be distributed or at least not rest in the hands of a few imbeciles. And it will be complete revolution as ratings will be transparent and reliable as they won’t be based on samples.
nice blog
here is a crazy thought..
recently there has been some good initiative by the cse department (programming contest + now there are talks of a forum )
we got future journalist at uom, y not try something interesting there???
Maybe you could organise a small newsgroup, covering local stories, small interesting articles about UOM etc
There are fiancial cost, i agree but what if say we make a website or even a group blog
students will improve their skills as a reporter and will be fun 😛
The idea is good. I tried it once but the pbm is that my students are part-time and already working. Their involvement with uni life is not the same as full-time students and their free time for campus life is limited. Plus, it took months for cits to actually agree to host the articles on the uom website (which where they should be for uom-related exposure) and the articles were too stale to publish by the time I got a positive reply.
Also, I have so many ideas of projects like the setting up of a cine-club… but I’d like these to be driven by the students not by academics…
nice idea Rakesh
CITS lol
i never knew what guys from there do at the university 😛
maybe you could try a blog, nicer to have feedback
and about hosting blog.mu i think can help
Yeah, I will definitely try a blog next semester for my Journalism students.
Thanks for the offer.
Nice Blog…
you are completely right about the MBC News…
I have wached the TV NEWS only ONCE since January2006… Will you believe that???? and that only time i watches, Beuurrrkkkkkkkkkk….. from 19h30 to 20hr, i see only Ministers’ face and sometimes doing very ridiculous things… like Dr B(My Minister- am very sorry man, thats the way it is) who was filmed given a ‘sac plastic’ of some food stuffs to inhabitants in a village…. la cerise sur le gateau c’est qu’il sortait de sa belle BMW et regardait la camera en offrant ses ‘contributions’
Mon Dieu.. Il doit y avoir du cran pour regarder le JT ses derniers temps
Heureusement qu’il y des journaux et nos amis journalists(en classe) pour des nouvelles vrement nouvelles….
Hi Zaynah,
Thanks for the comment.
I’m glad to see that you are taking an active part in online dialogues.
Keep it up.
@ Zaynah
100% agree with you and actually i’ve posted a similar comment in a previous post
nouvelles vrement nouvelles, hmm.. would be nice to hear them 😛
in the morning i watched the “Breakfast news” for the first time on mbc1
i didn’t understand something..
the Host talks in engish through the news..But y the segments “on sports”, “press review” etc are in french?
+ there is also a segment on “events” lol
telling us which functions our ministers will be attending today
i’ve missed the last 2 courts métrages..
today i’ll try to watch Eros de Wassim Sookia
Cinema Mauricien, l’avenir?
I think Mauritius has now gathered a good bunch of filmmakers. Its true they are all not going to produce exemplary masterpieces but there is potential. More importantly, i think we have finally gathered enough material to one day say (in 20 years), we had a cinema history…
continues on http://tinyprint.blogspot.com/
a past-time for me since i do not do a thing at home…. apart reading(books/mags/L’express and everything that is readable) and talking to my 4 sisters about sense and nonsense…
Anyway, i am connected almost all the time on MSN Messenger for better news with friends abroad…since there is nothing better on TV these days.. even the documentaries are always repeating themselves on MBC3.
A real pity…
By the way, I got some good reactions on my blog and it is working quite good…
For those who miss the Friday sessions, note that the films are shown again on the following Sunday at 2 pm on MBC 1.
I wanted to record it yesterday but we had to dine out so I’m gonna record it tomorrow. But, I watched it last year and quite enjoyed it.
Eros is technically very well done. The photography is beautiful and the acting is also good. There are some bits though where you can see Sookia comes from the world of TV adverts and it can be a bit ‘mellow’ or ‘melo’…. But, it’s one of the best films out of last year’s crop and it’s a filmmaker that holds some good potential.
I did manage to watch ‘Au rythme du sega’ and also enjoyed it. The voice-over comments are a bit overdone sometimes but, overall, it’s an instructive documentary about the many varieties and offsprings of sega, ranging from Kaya’s seggae, Menwar’s sagai, ragga, the Bhojpuri Boys, etc. An educational and cultural doc that stands as a testimony to the creativity of our local musicians, who are so often cruelly ignored, ridiculed or even looked down upon.
Excellent stuff – I greatly commend your blog and your very informative post, which I have now bookmarked as reference. From the comments, it seems there are quite a few of the UoM students who are interested in writing and publishing. If so, can I suggest http://www.thisismauritius.com for such purposes. I was actually directed to your blog from a reference on one of their articles. It seems like a mostly satirical site, with a mix of Creole and English, with some multimedia content to draw the punters in I reckon, but some of the articles seem well founded and the comments very in-depth.
Otherwise, well done Christine – I used to converse with your husband in the good old days of alt.mauritius. All the best to you both.
i have read your comments and i wish tio tell that you that i am a sciprwriter myself,i wanted to do films in mauritius and promote filmaking but due to the lack of experience and having no money to pay studies i came to theh uk,but i am shooting my feature next year and hoppe that mauritian audiences will like it.
Hello Zarak… I am also in the UK and in the Film industry, would you be interested to talk about opportunities here and in Mauritius, as I also have projects for Mauritian productions.