There have been many ‘developments’ in the press-govt relations these few days. The PM has heavily criticised the press and used quotes with allusion to prostitutes in his rantings against journalists.
This has of course spurred the profession to write even more articles about the threats that are hanging upon the heads of reporters, to organise debates on radio (of course nothing from MBC). The latest show I heard was yesterday on Radio One with Jean-Claude de L’Estrac (boss of L’Express) and minister Vasant Bunwaree. Apparently TopFM had also invited minister Rama Valayden and journalists Nad Sivaramen and Henri Marimootoo but I missed it.
Whereas Rama Valayden has denied the existence of a draft of the Media Commission Bill in an interview in Le Defi Plus, Vasant Bunwaree confirmed that the government is actively working on the project on Radio One. Which is which?